About Me
Ashley Kayser is a Certified Sleep Trainer and a member of the Family Sleep Institute (FSI). She coaches families, parents, and guardians in how to achieve peaceful and healthy sleep habits that will change the dynamic of their relationship with their child.
“I’m a mom of three. I know what it feels like to be sleep deprived. I also know how wonderful it is to have sleep finally restored. The quality of life I experienced after sleep training was so astounding it set me on a journey to share it with others. Through my journey I learned everything about sleep and how much it affects our entire well-being. It is because of this that I’m an advocate for making sleep a priority again.”
About Family Sleep Institute
Mission Statement
The Family Sleep Institute (established in 2011) provides comprehensive, evidence-based curricula and practical experience to our Child Sleep Consultant Certification Program students so that graduates are best prepared to provide information, strategies, and holistic support regarding child sleep to families with varying parenting styles.
Vision Statement
The Family Sleep Institute aspires to be the educational leader in Child Sleep Consulting and to set the standard for best practices for the field worldwide.
Core Values
To support sleep safety by requiring all students to complete a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) risk reduction course, and encouraging graduates to prioritize sleep safety in their communication with clients and the general public.
To deepen and widen our graduates’ knowledge base by providing access to a resource library of current pediatric sleep-related research and information and requiring the completion of continuing education courses to maintain certification.
To support and encourage collaboration with professionals in related fields within medicine, health and education to promote sleep health and sleep safety from birth to adulthood among families and the general public.